Can Stress Actually Cause You to Lose Your Teeth?
Demi Moore made a surprising admission on The Tonight Show earlier this week: She’s missing one of her front teeth. Yes, after Jimmy Fallon complimented her on how gorgeous she looked, he mentioned that the actress had sent him a photo that’s “the most insane thing I’ve ever seen.” Then, he held up a picture that showed Moore smiling at the camera, with her two front teeth missing.
“I sheared off my front teeth,” Moore explained. “I’d love to say it was [from] skateboarding or something really kind of cool, but I think it’s something that’s important to share because I think it’s literally, probably after heart disease, one of the biggest killers in in America, which is stress. Stress sheared off my front tooth. But, in an effort to get ready for you, I wanted to make sure my teeth were in.”
This is pretty shocking: Chronic, ongoing stress is known to have an impact on a person’s health, including raising the risk of a slew of diseases but…can it really make you lose your teeth? Mark S. Wolff, D.D.S., Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Cariology and Comprehensive Care at the New York University College of Dentistry, says yes, but it’s not as simple as feeling stressed and then suddenly your teeth fall out.
People can “clench and grind their teeth to an extent that they loosen and the supporting bone is destroyed,” he explains. However, he says, it’s not common to lose your two front teeth if you’re seeing a dentist for routine exams and cleanings. Here’s why: During trip to the dentist’s office, your doctor will check your teeth for mobility and makes sure that each tooth isn’t hitting your dental arch more than it should. “They should also make sure there is no gum disease, which hastens the bone loss,” and can increase the odds you’ll lose a tooth, he says.
And if your doctor notices something off, he or she will take action. “If simple adjustments do not protect the teeth, the dentist may make a soft rubber or hard plastic mouthguard to protect the teeth from trauma," Wolff explains.
Obviously there’s no way of knowing how often Moore goes to the dentist, and it could have just been one of those weird things. But the bottom line is, tooth loss from stress can and does happen—Wolff says he sees patients in his practice with “very worn teeth” from grinding.
So take Wolff's advice and go to the dentist regularly, and maybe try to work on your stress levels too. Sure, regular dental cleanings can be a pain, but they can do more than just make sure your teeth are clean—they can literally save your smile!
Source: Korin Miller @
What are Mouthguards and why we need them?
BSD Blooming Smiles Dental Custom Made Mouthguards are designed for precise fit and maximum protection.
When you think about mouthguards, do not just think about football or hockey. A mouthguard can protect your teeth and mouth from injury in just about any sport or exercise, like gymnastics or skating.
Mouthguards, also called mouth protectors, can help cushion a blow to the face, helping reduce the chance of broken teeth.
There are 3 types of mouthguards:
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Stock: You can buy these preformed mouthguards at many sporting goods stores or drugstores. They are inexpensive and come ready to wear right out of the package. Unfortunately, because they are “one size fits all,” they may be bulky and might make breathing and talking more difficult.
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Boil-and-bite: These mouthguards also can be bought at sporting goods stores and drugstores. You first put the mouthguard in hot water, then bite down and allow it to form to the shape of your mouth.
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Custom-made: These mouthguards are made by your dentist just for you. Because they are individually made, with a personalized fit, they are likely the most comfortable option, though they are more expensive than the other types.
If you decide to buy a stock or boil-and-bite mouthguard, look for the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance on the package. The Seal means scientific tests show that a product is safe when used as directed. These tests are reviewed by the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs.
Replace your mouthguard immediately if it does not fit well, looks worn, has tears, or loses its shape. For the mouthguard to do its job, it has to fit well in your mouth. Because their mouths are still growing, teens and children likely need to replace their mouthguards every year, if not more often.
It is important to keep your mouthguard clean and dry between uses. Here are some tips for taking care of your mouthguard.
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Rinse with cool water before and after each use. Brush with a toothbrush and cool water after using.
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Bring your mouthguard to your dental visits. Your dentist may want to check the fit or look for signs of wear.
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Store and carry the mouthguard in a sturdy container that has vents so it can dry, which will help keep bacteria from growing.
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Never leave the mouthguard in the sun or in hot water.
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Your mouthguard should fit snugly over your teeth. Replace if it looks worn, tears, or loses its shape.
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Never wrap your mouthguard in a tissue or napkin (it could get thrown away). Store your mouthguard and its case somewhere safe, away from pets and small children.
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Check the package label or insert to see if the manufacturer gives any special instructions for caring for your mouthguard.
Putting the knocked-out tooth in milk keeps it alive until you reach your dentist
When accidents do happen, though, there are a number of first aid steps you can take before going to the dentist.
Accidents happen. Here are some first aid tips you can turn to immediately for help before you go to the dentist:
⁃ Knocked-out tooth: Handle the tooth by the crown—the large end that you see when you smile—and not the pointy end, which is the root. Rinse, do not scrub, the root under cool running water. If it is an adult tooth, gently try to reinsert the root into the socket (do not try to reinsert a baby tooth). If it cannot be reinserted, put the tooth in a container with milk, saliva, or cool salt water. Emergency tooth preservation kits also can be used. Take the tooth and go to the dentist as soon as possible.
⁃ Broken or cracked tooth: Put any pieces of the tooth in wet gauze or a wet towel. Place a cold pack or cloth over the injured area if there is bleeding or swelling. Go to the dentist, bringing any broken pieces of tooth with you.
⁃ Bitten tongue or lip: Clean the area gently with a wet cloth. Hold something cold, like an ice pack, against it to keep the swelling down. See your dentist or go to the emergency department if the bleeding will not stop or is severe.
Which Lipstick Colors Will Make Your Teeth Look Whiter?
We'll tell you, with photographic proof.
carefully chosen lipstick shade can enhance the pearly white shine
Shades of RED:
Pick blue-based formulas over orange-y reds.
There's a reason why MAC's "Ruby Woo" has remained a cult favorite for makeup fiends, industry insiders, and celebrities alike: The scarlet hue is already flattering for most skin tones, but with its perfectly proportioned blue base, it's also like a whitening treatment in a tube. Why? It's a matter of color wheel logic: Blue and orange/yellow sit across from each other on the color wheel, so blue tones tend to cancel out orange or yellow tones when juxtaposed together, and vice versa. Therefore, lipsticks formulated with a blue base will help cancel out any orange or yellow tones on your teeth.
With this theory in mind, while orange-reds are certainly having their moment in the fashion world, just remember that orange and yellow bases tend to bring out those same hues in your smile.
whiter teeth with blue based red shades
Light PINK:
Stick with cool undertones rather than coral or orange.
Pinks tend to be trickier than reds, since they lack the dark contrast that can really make teeth pop. But still, same rule applies: Be wary of orange, and go for softer, berry-hued pinks.
wearing Lipsticks with cool undertone results in teeth appearing whiter
Dark PINK:
When in doubt, go with a berry hue.
Huzzah! That's a wide spectrum of shades to choose from. Because berries are generally a riff on pink or purple-y reds, the blue tones are fairly strong—which, again, does wonders for a bright smile, whether you choose a light raspberry or a deep plum. Another thing to keep in mind, as evidenced above: Slightly sheer, glossy formulas also amp up the wattage of your grin, as opposed to a lip that's more matte.
Berry hue for brighter teeth
Pick dark berries and purples over browns.
Sorry '90s resurgence devotees, but brown hues don't do teeth any favors—in fact, they just highlight any brown tones in your smile (yuck). The contrast helps, sure, but you're much better off sticking with a dark berry. Purples and deep reds offer the double whammy of being simultaneously blue-based and providing high contrast for teeth to look their very brightest.
Dark Berries over brown enhance whiteness
Sheer formulas with a hint of gloss are the way to go.
It might seem counterintuitive to go so au naturel, but as Giorgio Armani's Tim Quinn has assured us in the past, sometimes it just takes a little gloss to make those teeth shine. These days, we're obsessed with Lipstick Queen's Butterfly Ball colors, a range specifically designed to brighten teeth. They're formulated like lipsticks, and truthfully, look terrifying in the tube—they have a pretty alarming blue shimmer. But it turns out that's the very genius of it—it somehow goes on sheer with just a hint of iridescence, and the blue is undetectable to the eye. Your teeth, however, are suddenly radiant. Brilliant. On the flipside, there are a couple of red flags to look for when choosing a neutral or nude lipstick: color, of course, but also texture. The formula shown above is simultaneously peachy and matte, which can be tough to pull off—unless, as Quinn says, "the teeth are already Chiclet white." Matte formulas can also create the illusion of dry lips, another smile no-no.
sheer formulas for brighter teeth
At the end of the day, you do you. (Again, orange lipstick has never been cooler.) But when it comes to faking a megawatt smile, these are your enemies:
Frosty shimmer: Yes, a wee bit of shine can work wonders. But if you go too icy, you run the risk of making your lips look whiter—which will make your teeth look dingy.
Orange: Oh, you get the picture, we're sure.
Neons: There are certain fuschias that can work—that is, those with more obvious blue undertones. But much like Day-Glo clothing (and nail polish) tends to make skin look tanner, these hues have a similar dulling effect for teeth. (The pictures don't lie.)
A Winning Smile!
The perception study reinforced the affect crooked teeth can have on one's social life and how they are perceived by others, including:
Making a Lasting impression
It's important to have attractive teeth as part of a smile because pearly whites make a lasting first impression. Nearly one-third (29%) of Americans say the first aspect of someone's face they typically notice is his or her teeth, and 24% say this is also the facial aspect that they remember the most after meeting someone.
Straight Teeth = Success
These thoughts also extend to perceptions regarding an individual's potential for professional and financial success. When looking at images, Americans perceive those with straight teeth to be 45% more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a job when competing with someone who has a similar skill set and experience. They are also seen as 58% more likely to be successful, as well as 58% more likely to be wealthy.
Love at First Sight
Not if you have crooked teeth. When it comes to attracting a possible mate on a dating site, those with straight teeth are seen as 57% more likely than those with crooked teeth to get a date based on their picture alone.
Crooked Teeth = Dull Social Life
Nearly two in five (38%) Americans would consider not going on a second date with someone who has misaligned teeth. Far fewer would ditch someone who lives with his or her parents (23%).
Straight Teeth = Good Personality
People connect more positive descriptions with men and women who have straight teeth than those who have crooked teeth. Those with straight teeth are 21% more likely to be seen as happy, 47% more likely to be viewed as being healthy and 38% more likely to be perceived as smart.
A Nice Smile Goes a Long Way
Nearly three in four (73%) Americans would be more likely to trust someone with a nice smile than someone with a good job, outfit, or car.
The Want List: Having an attractive smile is something important to many Americans. Close to three in five (57%) Americans would rather have a nice smile than clear skin. What's more, 87% would forego something for a year in order to have a nice smile for the rest of their life; more than one-third of these folks would give up dessert (39%) or vacations (37%).
the power of a beautiful smile
Have dental dread? It’s treatable
No More Dental Dread
If an upcoming dentist visit makes you nervous, you’re not alone. For 1 in 10 people, the fear is so intense that they avoid going, according to research. “That really backfires, because people put it off for so long that they end up needing all sorts of painful procedures,” says Mark Wolff, DDS, chair of the department of cariology and comprehensive care at the New York University College of Dentistry. Believe it or not, seeing a shrink can help: A 2015 study published in the British Dental Journal found that 79% of severely anxious patients who attended an average of five sessions with a cognitive behavioral therapist were able to undergo dental treatment without sedation.
Another option? Bring earphones. Listening to your own soothing music will help you relax, says Dr. Wolff. And make sure you tell your dentist you’re nervous so she can work with you. “If they are not sympathetic,” says Dr. Wolff, “you need to find another dentist.”
Maintain a healthy smile without blowing your budget.
Here are several ways to save money on dental care.
TIP #1: Schedule Regular Cleanings
Have your teeth professionally cleaned every six months (or at least once a year) to avoid future problems and to catch existing problems before they become really expensive to fix. Still tempted to skip out on cleanings? Just remember: the bill for filling a cavity is much easier to swallow than the bill for a root canal, a crown or an extraction.
Tip #2: Triage
If you need more dental work than you can afford, ask your dentist which procedures need to be done right away and which can be put off for a little while. Then, work together to determine which procedure will be tackled first, second, third and so on. If you dentist knows you're tight on funds, he may also be able to recommend temporary fixes to hold you over until the work can be done.
TIP #3: Ask Lots of Questions
Ask him/her to explain the purpose of any procedure that you don't understand, and don't be afraid to question the necessity of anything that seems over the top to you. (A good dentist is explaining all the details...)
Here are examples of the kinds of questions you might want to ask:
Would it be okay to put off X-rays until your next cleaning?
Do you kids still need fluoride treatments, if they live in an area with fluoridated water?
Is that procedure medically necessary or purely cosmetic?
Is there a cheaper option, that would work just as well?
Remember: You have the right to know how your money is being spent, and you also have the right to get a second-opinion when you don't trust the first one.
TIP #4: Brush and Floss Regularly
Regular trips to the dentist will cut down on your dental costs, but if you really want to save money, you need to stay on top of the day-to-day care of your teeth too. Brush at least twice a day; floss; switch out your toothbrush as often as you're supposed to; and cut down on sugary foods and drinks. All of those good habits will add up to less time in your dentist's chair.